
Below you will find general informations about the autonomous system "AS208016"

BGP Multihomed
Edge router cluster
Multiple IX Links

About AS208016

AS208016 is provided by The Infrastructure Company GmbH which was founded 2016 in Willich (near Dusseldorf) Germany.

About these pages

These pages provides several informations about the AS208016 autonomous system from The Infrastructure Company GmbH.

About RIPE:

RIPE NCC is a non-profit organization responsible for the allocation of IP addresses. Members of RIPE are mainly Internet Service Providers (ISPs), telecommunications organizations and large companies in Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia.

As a RIPE member and independent LIR The Infrastructure Company GmbH offers its customers direct, redundant access to the Internet. Resources such as IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be deployed as part of  tinc Cloud Services. Through our membership we have information on current developments around the topic Internet first-hand and can actively participate in the design.